#personaldevelopment #toronto #seminars — I just finished finalizing my slides and video clips that will be used in conjunction with my motivational presentation for my upcoming seminar. I am really pumped up to run this all day session this Friday. It will be my Toronto personal development seminars being rolled out. Actually, the organization that I will be conducting this seminar for is in Brampton.
There is a great mix of presentations, audience participation fun, individual time as a workshop and group work for brainstorming as well. All of these different elements will be mixed throughout the day to provide variety in a very dynamic personal development seminar.
So far, these types of workshops that I created are being conducted only for organizations and companies as I’m still collecting invaluable feedback based on seminar participants’ responses to key questions I have. I’ll then tweek the schedule or agenda a bit and finally make this available as public personal development seminars in Toronto and elsewhere.
It’s a long intensive six hour day with the one hour lunch in the middle of course. I can give the organizers the option of having only a 30 minute lunch and have the day finish earlier if desired. Either way is possible for me.
Before I get to do this Toronto personal development seminar this Friday, I still have two big motivational keynotes to present for two different organizations this week. One is an HR (human resources) association out of town and the other is for a financial group which will be right here in my hometown of Mississauga.
Once I get this week out of the way, I’ll start to tweek the agenda for the public version of my personal development seminars right away so I can start to offer them to the general public. I know that there are people out there who have been waiting for this live event so a fall public debut is very realistic at this point.