Clint Cora Rebranding Due To COVID-19 Pandemic
Since the COVID-19 pandemic has put a stop to international travel and large scale meetings such as conferences, conventions plus other events where lots of people gather are just not going to happen anytime soon, I’m going to go through a rebranding of ClintCora.com over the next couple of weeks. It was time anyways since my own personal as well as professional interests have changed and this pandemic will give me the opportunity to shift into my new Clint Cora brand.
Although things are not set in stone yet, I have a general idea of what will likely change in terms of what I’m willing to offer to the world as we slowly recover from the pandemic. One thing that I have learned from self reflection during the isolation time is that my personal time is very important. So I’m going to allocate my hours differently and this will mean overall that even when travel opens up again, I’m won’t be willing to do much travel for speaking engagements as before. I’ll still consider any requests but I’ll have to balance my available time for them.
So here are some of the main categories where there could be some changes which will be reflected in the ClintCora.com website hopefully by mid fall season.
Keynote Speaking Programs
I’m going to reduce the number of different types of keynote speaking programs (30 to 60 minutes) I’m going to still offer, especially if complicated travel is involved. It will be much easier to accommodate any requests for keynote speaking program if they are within 1-2 hours driving distance of Toronto/Mississauga in Ontario. Since each speaking engagement does take preparation, even the ones I’ve presented many times, I’m going to limit which ones I’ll still offer and this will be reflected in the speaking programs section of my website. The keynotes which I haven’t had many requests for in recent years will likely be dropped.
Seminar Programs
For most of my speaking programs, keynotes will likely be replaced by longer seminar programs that I can run independently as well as for organizations. I’ll offer the most successful and in demand programs in recent years. These will be half day or even full day programs with different variations for students in their teen years as well as adults which will include working professionals, college and university students.
When the health authorities allow them, I’ll try to run live in person seminars local to my area. But in the meantime, I might offer half day seminar programs online that are still live so participants can interact with not only myself but with other attendees as well. These online programs will have very limited numbers of participants to allow for better interactions.
These are workshop seminars that I’ll run directly without any host organization so participation can be open to anyone interested. However, they will likely be located only in the Toronto-Mississauga, Ontario area. The online versions, if I do offer them, will be open to anyone in the world as long as they have good internet connections. This will be quite interesting as people from around the world can potentially attend workshops and interact with each other.
As far as speaking program topics, all I can say for now is that I’ll probably offer a revamped lineup of seminars focusing on leadership development and communications with some elements of personal development motivation included rather than full motivational programs. The teen programs will touch upon such important issues for that age group such as bullying which all programs will touch upon racism and diversity as well.
Educational Products
All of my various educational products such as my book The Life Champion In You and my Leadership Communication video programs will still be available as will be other programs I created in other fields such as pharmaceutical sales careers, dog training and guitar playing – see my books/videos webpage for complete line.
One thing that will change for sure is with the products that have CD/DVD versions in addition to digital downloads. As my stock of CD and DVD versions sell out, I will no longer produce anymore of these since these versions are no longer in that much demand anymore as the world is use to digital downloads more and more. Once the last copy of a CD or DVD is sold for each title, I’ll remove that option on the website.
So stay tuned as I make this transition over the next couple of weeks as we’ll see a slightly different ClintCora.com website and blog but using the same website address as before.