The fact that any progress in success in any area of your life is impossible without commitment should not be a surprise to anyone. However, it is still mind boggling on how often this law of nature is ignored.
A good example is in the rent to own homes area. As a real estate investor, I have a program which helps certain people who are currently renting to become full homeowners. In the vast majority of these cases, these people currently do not have the credit to obtain standard bank mortgage financing on their own.
So a rent to own homes program helps them get into their dream home while they gradually repair and build their credit up so that in time, they will be able to get qualified for mortgage financing. My rent to own homes program enables them to live in the house they will eventually purchase.
Rent To Own Homes Require Qualification
For a typical rent to own homes program, candidates are asked to provide financial figures about their present situation. Then they are asked to provide proper documentation to prove that these figures are in fact real. After all, if one wishes somebody else to help finance their future homes, it is only fair to have proper verification of figures.
It is amazing how many people who were interested in getting into a rent to own homes program, do not bother to take the extra steps to gather up the required documentation to get fully qualified. These are steps that any financing program, whether rent to own or in the case of a full mortgage, will require.
These folks just don’t have the commitment to do the steps required. This unfortunately shows us that they are just not serious about repairing their own credit situation and therefore will never make that transition from being a renter to a homeowner.
Some cases are even worse. There are also people who contact me after seeing a post about rent to own and they want more information. I usually direct them to an online video and FAQ section which is quite thorough and detailed. It is part of a rent to own website that will answer pretty well any questions they would have on rent to own.
Many of these people will not bother to take the action and get to that information website to go through the information. Again, this just shows us that they will not be serious enough for a rent to own homes program.
Commitment Required For Success In Anything
In other words, homeownership success is out of their reach simply because they do not have the commitment to get there. This is the same in becoming a homeowner or any other field in life.
If you haven’t achieved something that you really want to achieve, ask yourself if you really had the commitment in the first place. Your answer will be brutally honest.