Clint Cora’s book “How To Get A Dream Job In Pharmaceutical Sales – Direct Inside Advice and Guidance From a Sales Manager” is finally available at the online Chapters Indigo website for Canadian customers. Just go to the Chapters website and type in ‘clint cora’ at their search box and the book will come up. Of course, Canadians can also walk into any Chapters retail store and order it. So now, there are two possible online websites where one can order this pharmaceutical sales book in Canadian dollars, Chapters and
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In your opinion is retail still affected by recession? December sale looked promising, however it seems there is cautious optimism with many retailers in the throes of recession. Walmart has just downsized close to 14,000 employees! What is your opinion?
I agree with that 100%! Action makes things happen. Nobody ever learned to walk without taking the first step.
Time for people to learn new skills and network for new connections.
Hey, just curious if you’ve gotten any further information so I can find a tad more about it?
Go to which is a sister website of ours.