personal fitness training clint cora collingwood wasaga beach

Personal Fitness Training With Clint Cora

Starting in 2024, I will be offering personal fitness training for people in the Collingwood, Wasaga Beach, Thornbury and surrounding areas. I have Fitness Ontario Leadership Program (FOLP) designation, was a staff fitness instructor leading classes at the City of Mississauga and of course have a wide knowledge of physical fitness from my many years of martial arts competition including being a senior member of the Canadian National Karate Team.

My personal fitness training sessions will include strength training with weights (usually at my home gym) followed by outside cardiovascular activity or indoor cardio machine. Then we’ll finish up with some light stretching or a very condensed version of my Total Body Stretch class which I run in Collingwood and Wasaga Beach throughout the summer to fall season. These sessions will go for about an hour and cover total fitness (strength, cardio and flexibility).

We will work out at an intensity that you can manage but still have positive benefit for your physical fitness.

We will also spend some time to discuss each participant’s goals whether it’s to lose weight or become more physically fit. We will also talk about each participant’s current nutritional habits and I’ll offer my recommendations.

Since I’m over 60 years of age myself, my sessions would be ideal for older adults as well as any adult age group who are currently at a ‘beginner’ fitness level.

Sessions can be booked with a lot of flexibility to accommodate the best days and times for both myself and participants so each one is scheduled individually by appointment with me.

Note that sessions can be on a one on one private basis or for those who prefer to do this in the company of others for more social motivation, we can also do semi-private small group sessions to a maximum of three participants. For group sessions, I would prefer participants to put together their own little groups of 2 or 3 rather than have me do it. I can try to arrange small groups but it could take awhile so it’s best to come to me with willing groups ready to go.

These are the different sessions which can be booked. Each session is lower in cost whenever a series of four are paid for (with four separate dates to be scheduled that are convenient to all). Note that our secure online payment system works in US dollars so the Canadian equivalent prices online at checkout will be approximates.

Single One On One Private Session – $60 plus HST credit card online or $60 cash at session

Series of Four One On One Private Sessions – $160 plus HST credit card online or $160 cash at first session

Single Group Session (maximum 3 participants) – $30 plus HST credit card online or $30 cash at session each participant

Series of Four Group Sessions (maximum 3 participants) – $80 plus HST credit card online or $80 cash at first session each participant

If any participant is currently being treated for any medical condition such as hypertension, heart condition or arthritis, a medical clearance from a doctor should first be obtained before booking any session with me.

To initiate booking a personal fitness session with me or for any inquiries, just contact me.

personal fitness training clint cora collingwood wasaga beach
