I’m writing this blog post about fifteen minutes after waking on a Sunday morning because it’s one of those rare occasions when I actually still remember what I was dreaming during the last part of my sleep. The dream itself has many elements of my real life and is also a good lesson on personal development.
The dream is loosely based on many of my past corporate sales meetings when I was in the pharmaceutical industry. We would have these week long meetings with the entire sales force from all across the country at a hotel somewhere. The meetings themselves were long days and immediately after the conclusion of each day, there would be some free time before the group met up again later in the early evening for group dinners.
My Personal Development Dream
My personal development dream was about near the end of one of these meeting days. Although like in many dreams, there were some really wacky things in this one that didn’t make any sense at all. For example, I remember that there was a washing machine outside on the street for some reason. Don’t ask me what that was all about.
But the elements of my dream that were quite real life included the times when I would be asking my work colleagues at the end of the meeting day if anybody was going to work out at the gym. There was always a hotel gym facility where out meetings were held.
Just like what happened in my real corporate life, one by one in my dream, everyone told me that they were either too tired to work out or they just didn’t want to go to the gym for whatever reason. In the end, it was always just me who would end up going to the gym.
What also came out in my dream for some reason, was the end results of both my efforts to get to the gym as well as the refusals of my colleagues to do the same. There were clear visions in my dream of some of my colleagues who ended up becoming obese while I stayed in pretty good physical shape.
This in fact has happened in my real world as most of my former corporate colleagues, some of whom I still get together with on occasion, are indeed quite out of shape.
The Personal Development Lesson
The lesson here from both my dream as well as this example from my real world is that sometimes for personal development, you have to go against the flow that everyone else is headed towards. If you truly believe in what you are doing, then you can’t depend on many others to do the same.
In the end, you will achieve what you deserve and the others will also have whatever they deserve based on everyone’s actions. Unfortunately, not everyone chooses to do the right things for their lives but you have to ignore what others are doing if you think they are heading towards the wrong direction. This is the part about going against the flow.
For health and personal development, you have to have the faith and strength to keep on your own course. Success and good health will be your reward.