Personal Development Day A Great Idea For Companies

#personaldevelopment #personalgrowth #hr #humanresources

Companies who have the welfare of their employees as an important factor and proves it by making wellness and personal development programs available will certainly benefit from improved staff morale and productivity.  One particular company I will be working with in September contracted me to do my full day Personal Development Action Planning Seminar just for their staff.  This is a great idea.

The usual department that initiates such programs for their staff will be the HR or human resources department.  When employees get not only benefits that are work related but also on a personal level, they will be happier and more effective both at work and at home.  This will in turn produce higher company loyalty which is no longer a common trait among many employees these days.

Employees who have access to wellness and personal development programs will have the feeling that their company actual cares for them rather than being treated as merely just an employee number in a human resources file.  So such programs are win-win situations for all, both the employees and the company.

My full day Personal Development Action Planning Seminar takes participants through the important life changing concepts from my book, The Life Champion In You, plus much more.  The concepts are only the theoretical base introduced but the real work is when participants work through a sixty page Action Planner provided specifically for the seminar.

Seminar participants will be taking real action towards their personal development and success by implementing the concepts and working with the tools that I provide in the seminar.  They will create a customized action plan just for them by the end of the day.

One of the neat features of my seminar is that each participant does not have to create their plans on their own.  Small groups are formed where participants can brainstorm with each other to get ideas and feedback for their plans and goals.

I will be conducting more of these full day Personal Development seminars for companies and other organizations in the future since there seems to be a great demand for them.  This is not a surprise to me since these seminars are such a great idea for companies.  If you work with a group that might be interested in such a seminar conducted just for your people, I would encourage you to check out the previous link.

personal development action planning seminars


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