Go Offsite To Work On Personal Development Goals

personal development goals best self help books
Creative Commons License photo credit: pag2525

Personal Development Goals

Now that you have read a few of the best self help books out there (hopefully you will consider The Life Champion In You!) and maybe even attended a big seminar to hear famous motivational speakers like Les Brown and Tony Robbins, what do you do next?  Well of course the answer is to apply what you’ve learned on your own personal development goals.

This is unfortunately the next step that most people out there will never get to even after exposure to great material in books or at talks.  They get all pumped up for a short period of time afterwards but do not take any action for themselves.

One possible reason may be too much distraction at home.  Once you get home, there might be too many of the usual responsibilities like dealing with the kids, household chores, TV, internet, visitors and pets.  These take over your life again and you soon forget about your personal development goals.  For some people, such goals would not even get developed by the time they get back into home life again.

Another Location For Personal Development Goals

If you can relate to the distractions I mentioned above and if they are indeed causing you to not take action on either the planning or implementation of your personal development goals, I would strongly suggest that you go offsite to another location away from home to work on them.

What I do is go to a public library and try to get into one of those private study rooms.  I find that they are great for really focusing on any planning that you have to do.  Go there with lots of paper and a pen so that you can capture your thoughts on what goals you want to go after as well as a practical plan to achieve them.

Another possible location is if you happen to have a business trip scheduled in the near future.  As you know, there is much down time during travel when waiting for planes and while in transit.  Use this time productively to work on your personal development goals.

Remove Home Distractions For More Focus

The point here is to go offsite away from your home so that you can remove the usual distractions for some time to really get some good planning in.  Remember, the best self help books and famous motivational speakers will not help you if you can’t use the knowledge that you learned.

If the weather is nice, you can even go to a park or lakefront to do this (as long as there are no screaming kids around).

I always get much more work done when I’m offsite where I can really focus since my two Lhasa Apso dogs won’t be bugging me for attention.  Try this strategy out for yourself and see just how much more you can accomplish for your own personal development goals.

If you missed my original Motivational WebTV video version where I show you some of my best offsite locations, see Best Action Planning Places.


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