Adults Can Learn Social Skills
Many adults probably realize through their successes and failures during social interactions with others, that their own social skills may need some brushing up. If those who experience any social awkwardness during any situations with groups of different people or even on one to one situations, there’s some golden opportunities for training.
Not everyone developed equally in terms of social skills during their younger years and this would usually show later on in life. But those who need catching up even as adults, can learn useful social skills through better communication and conversational techniques that leaders in society and organizations use all the time.
I had created a video educational training program called Effective Communication Skills For Super Leadership which covers topics such as leadership communication, presentation skills, persuasion techniques and more. This COVID-19 pandemic is a great time to do some self learning with such important and useful skills.
Recently, Nancy Kang of Toronto, Ontario, Canada took this video training program and this is what she had to say about it;
“Overall, the course was very enjoyable and very informative by providing things in an easy to understand way. They are fundamental skills that will take practice to master. It made me see my mistakes more clearly and where I should be working on and putting effort in. The skits are spot on, very funny and helps me sometimes see myself in the situations. It has made me more self aware of social skills and leadership!”
A working professional, Nancy claims that in time, these new social skills will not only help her enjoy social experiences better as she admits she is usually on the quiet side in groups but also be useful in her banking career. Indeed leadership communication skills are often the main factors in determining who advances in careers to more senior positions.
Of course social skills are best developed when young so that these skills are firmly in place by the time one starts professional careers but even those already working can still get trained as Nancy Kang recently discovered. So it’s never too late to learn important social skills for both work and social applications for adults.
To get a taste of such leadership social skills for free, see the video at the top left side of this blog page.