My Second Lhasa Apso Dog Max
Today is the last of my dog birthday celebrations for the year as I recognize my 2nd Lhasa Apso Max. When I began to live on my own and started my career, my Pepper started to have separation anxiety while I was away at work all day. Then I came up with the idea to bring in a 2nd dog which was Max and he made all the difference in Pepper’s life. At first Pepper was not comfortable with another dog because I had not socialized him (due to my inexperience as a dog owner) but after a few weeks he and Max became best friends. Pepper was no longer anxious each time I left home since he had Max.
In hindsight, out of all my 4 Lhasa Apsos, Max was perhaps the most outgoing and energetic full of spunk. But again as with my other dogs, I made big mistakes which I regret. Although Pepper and Max had each other, my Max ended up alone when we lost Pepper at 15 years of age. I did not get another dog for Max and maybe even worse, I did not give him a social life with other dogs beside Pepper. His energy and desire for socializing with other dogs was wasted and unmet due to my negligence.

I was too preoccupied with my career and I’m sure this took a toll on Max as he spent the last 6 of his 15 years of life alone without any friends. He did so well for Pepper but probably ended his last years unhappy because of me. This was a huge lesson for me and when we lost Chester, I made sure that Roxie’s social life was just as busy with her many dog friends as before which resulted in a good transition for her.
At least with Max when his final day came, I listened to our vet and did the right thing so his suffering was minimal when his health failed. This was another lesson I learned from Pepper who died at home in pain so I always made sure whenever possible, I would minimize any suffering during end of life for all my pets.
Still as with all my dogs, I wish I did better with Max. After I lost him, I took five years off as a pet owner before bringing Chester and Roxie into my life as a better informed and experienced dog owner which they both benefited from.
But today on his birthday, I’ll go down to the waterfront again to spend some time to think about Max and honour his life. I’ll apologize for my big shortcomings when he was with me as I should have given him a much better life especially given how he made such a big difference in Pepper’s life. My Max deserved much better.
I certainly hope that he is with Pepper again and even with Chester & Roxie as they happily enjoy doggie heaven together with lots of friends.