Motivation Techniques Include Waking Up Like A Dog

Creative Commons License photo credit: smerikal

Motivation Techniques Like A Dog

Okay, I have to admit that the title of this blog post is a bit weird.  I haven’t been able to blog as often during this winter because of my busy ski instructor schedule and some of you must be thinking that I’ve gone off the rocker writing about waking up like a dog.

Let me explain.  I was just highly motivated this morning.  Each morning here at my home without fail, one of my Lhasa Apso dogs Chester, starts to prop himself up at the side of my bed between 6:30 and 7 am to see if I’m getting up yet.  He does this even if it’s still dark outside.

I’m quite use to this of course but for some reason today, it dawned on me that Chester is actually setting a pretty darn good example.  When he gets up, he’s wide awake, full of energy and enthusiasm.  He’s ready to go for another day no matter what is in store.

Include This In Your Motivation Techniques

Chester must have already decided that it was going to be a great day no matter what.  He made that decision to be super positive and his resulting energy first thing in the morning certainly shows!

This is definitely something the rest of us should include in our own motivation techniques.  You make a decision to be positive and you will more than likely approach your day, even if full of challenges, with more energy and gusto.

For me, this is yet another example of how my pets have taught me something useful.  In a prior post, I talked about how my dogs have taught me more about compassion and responsibility.  Now it seem that at least one of them is teaching me more about motivation.

Some of you may have already seen this last year but below is a video that shows both Chester and his sister Roxie exactly how they greet me each morning.  You can see why waking up like a dog in this case, is a good thing for motivation.


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