The Me Society
Ever notice quite often these days, many people out there seem to care only about themselves?
Listen carefully when you talk to people whether they are strangers, co-workers or even friends. They are always very eager to tell you everything about what’s going on in their lives. But how often do they seem to ask you how your own life is going?
Even if they ask the standard question, “How’s it going?”, do they really listen? Or do they quickly jump into telling you yet another issue or problem they have been experiencing in life?
This is the so called ‘Me’ society that we have become, which is quite sad. People just don’t seem to give a darn about each other anymore. Even though most people would claim that they do care about others, their conversational styles and actions suggest otherwise.
How To Stand Out In This Me Society
In my observation, I would even go as far as saying that the majority of people out there, have adopted this ‘Me’ attitude. It’s about me, me, and me. It’s all about what they need and want rather than what others want.
So because many if not most people out there are now members of this Me society, this actually represents a great opportunity for you to really stand out and become instantly memorable.
All you have to do whether in a one to one conversation or in a group conversation at a social function, is to ask others how they are and how life has been for them lately. Show genuine interest in what’s going on in their lives by really listening to what they are saying, no matter how boring it might seem. Then ask questions about their stories which in turn shows that you are listening to them.
By doing this, it will set you apart from all others simply because other people are not bothering to make any efforts in asking how others have been in their lives. You will come across as somebody who is genuinely caring and interested in other people rather than just yourself.
This will make you more likable in both social and business environments while your competition just stands there hopelessly!
The one possible negative consequence to all this is that everyone might suddenly want to flood you with all of their life problems, issues and recent stories. And if they are not individuals who will reciprocate by showing any interest in your life, then it might become rather annoying for you.
But then you have to decide which individuals are worth continuing on with in regards to conversations. In business situations, you may or may not have the freedom to choose who are converse with but in social situations, you most certainly do.
To help you ramp up your leadership communication skills to enable you to really stand out in this me society both in career and social circles, get my free video series on this very same topic by clicking on the link below or at the blog sidebar on the top left of this webpage.