We all want to be healthy and one of the absolute requirements in addition to keeping physically active is proper nutrition through healthy eating. There’s no way around it as nutrition is probably 50% or more of the overall health equation.
Unfortunately in this day and age, it can be very challenging to maintain healthy diets because of all the easy access to convenient and fast foods out there. Put that together with very busy schedules, many people will just grab whatever they can for quick meals without paying much attention to the nutritional content.
As a result, many people just don’t eat right which leads to poor health and being overweight. This is almost epidemic in our modern society.
At my middle age, I’m still able to maintain a 30 inch waistline. So in all honesty, this is an area that I can lay some expertise claim to since I have physical proof in myself but I’ll be the first to admit that it’s not always easy to keep eating healthy.
But what I will do is share how I use motivation techniques to keep eating healthy and perhaps these will make a huge difference for you.
Keep Related Goals In Mind For Healthy Eating
In order to help you stay on track for healthy eating (assuming that you have already educated yourself on what foods you should eat and which ones you should avoid), I find that it helps to keep related goals in mind. These are your personal goals which will be impacted in some way by your diet.
For example, each time I look in the mirror, I look at the condition of my abdominal muscles. I want to be able to see them and in order to do that, I need to keep the blubber off. That is one of my personal goals and the only way I can do that is to keep a low fat diet and exercise. This is where the motivational techniques come in so the mirror is my constant reminder.
When I see other people who are out of shape, I always observe that they are not eating healthy. They usually eat foods that are high in fat. Being observant of others is also part of the motivation techniques because I don’t want to end up out of shape like those poor folks who have let themselves go.
My motivation techniques also include reminding myself that I want to be able to do martial arts well and specifically during the winter, to ski well. For most sports, performance is directly related to physical condition which in turn depends highly on diet.
Do there again, more constant reminders to help me choose the right healthy food items while shopping at the grocers. The contents of my grocery shopping cart will look very different to the carts of most people as a result.
Use Motivation Techniques To Help You Eat Right
So see if there are any personal goals that you want to achieve and you know that they are related in part, to how you eat. Then keeping this top of mind will help you steer clear of the bad foods.
After all, you don’t want to end up blaming the fact that you didn’t eat right one of the causes why you performed so poorly during that tennis game or whatever activity you were doing.