Get A Pet If You Are Lonely

pets dogs loneliness

Pets Keep You Company

I’ve realized some interesting things with my two Lhasa Apso dogs Chester and Roxie (pictured with me above) lately.  When we’re at home, they are always near me wherever I am in the house.  If I go upstairs, they will come up with me pretty soon if not right away.  If I go downstairs, they will usually follow me down the stairs.

Even when it’s very late at night.  If I happen to watch a TV program in the living room or something on my computer in my home office, they will probably be dosing off in the same room I happen to be in.  Only when I choose to retire back to my bedroom, will they finally go to sleep there too.

Dogs A Good S0lution For Loneliness

I’ve been a single man for several years now (after a common law relationship back in Montreal) and I must say that despite living alone ever since I moved back to Toronto, I don’t feel alone.  I’m pretty sure that it’s because of my two dogs.  Dogs are indeed a good solution for loneliness out there for anybody who is affected.

Quite often, both of my dogs will climb onto the sofa with me while I’m there watching TV or reading a book.  They even do this if I happen to sit in the single chair – yes, it gets a bit crowded!  They just like being around their master which is really cool.   One of my friends even noticed this behaviour when he was visiting and stated that my dogs seemed ‘clingy’.  He was spot on.

No wonder why humans and dogs have evolved into such a close relationship ever since they first encountered each other so many milenia ago.  Although many dogs do have a working type of function whether hunting, herding or security, nature has created them to be companions above any other purpose.

This is a very special type of relationship between two different species of life that is almost magical.  Dogs have worked their magic with us humans for thousands of years and continue to do so and what’s happening at my household since 1979 is yet another example of this.

Of course, pets are always a big responsibility but that’s part of the deal that nature gave us.  If you want the benefits of having a dog at home (and there are lots of benefits), you have to do your part to take great care of it.  In case you didn’t know, I have a totally separate website to help potential and new dog owners with this including a free dog obedience training video starring my two Lhasa Apso dogs Chester and Roxie – just click on the link for get access.

That’s why if anybody out there, especially single, ever feels lonely for whatever reason, the magical solution is not to get another boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse.  Instead, get a dog (or two) first since from a companionship point of view, the four legged kind have proven to be a lot more reliable than the human kind!


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