Examples Of My Own Recent Personal Learning

#personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #selfhelp

You may recall that back in my very first premiere episode of Clint Cora Motivational WebTV, I talked about the different sources of motivation that I access for my own life.  In that first episode (click on the link in the last sentence if you want to see it again or missed it), I showed books as one of the sources I use.  Not only are reading books great for motivation, but they are an integral activity for our own continued personal development and that we should all do it.  Just to prove that I am indeed a man of my words, I’m going to share with you just some of the examples of my own personal learning.

During this month alone, I read Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker and Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki – in fact, I’ll probably do some sort of review on them soon.  I’ve kept up on my blog reading using Google Reader since I follow about 40 different blogs on different subjects including marketing, motivation, business and even a whole bunch on dogs.

Attending live events is also another important part of personal learning since you get to absorb important concepts better when you hear somebody present them and often get a chance to ask questions.  In fact, after I put up this particular post I’m writing, I’m off to attend a seminar on social media to educate myself further on the use of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.  Oh, and if you haven’t checked out my pages on those platforms, here they are;

Clint Cora on Facebook

Clint Cora on Twitter

Clint Cora on LinkedIn

Feel free to connect with me on any or all of these social media sites.  Then later this week, I’m attending another seminar on HST for businesses.  HST is the new harmonized tax system that the province of Ontario is implementing starting July 1 which will combine the GST (good and services tax) and PST (provincial sales tax) here.  This tax change will affect me so this seminar will educate me on what steps to take for my business to incorporate these changes with the HST.

The next book that I’m going to read is The Answer by John Asaraf.  So you see, personal learning is a big part of my own life as well and I do this on a continued basis.  This is what the most successful people in this world do and so should you.


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