Online Digital Downloadable Products
I was thinking the other day when I was changing my websites over to a new online shopping cart system that it’s incredible how much the general comfort level out there in society has increased over the years with online digital products such as ebooks, videos and entire educational courses. More and more people are getting use to just downloading all sorts of content from the internet rather than buy physical books, CDs and DVDs. It was only a few years ago when digital products such as ebooks were thought to be just useless junk and that true quality material that was of any use had to be on a physical format like a book or a DVD package.
But that has certainly changed as more folks are finding good quality digital downloadable products out there. The advantages of getting the products right away after purchasing online without having to pay and wait for shipping as well as usually lower product costs compared to physical products have a lot of appeal. Plus don’t forget no more additional weight to move when one changes residences. Remember how heavy all those books are whenever you move?
Now with much faster internet speeds and more storage capacities than ever, downloading digital products are a breeze. As you know, lots of people stream movies and tv shows rather than use DVDs now thanks to Netflix and other streaming services. Many of the educational products I created over the years were introduced in a few different formats — ebooks, online audio and videos as well as physical products like softcover books, CDs and DVDs. I wanted to give people choices so that they can learn through their preferred formats.
For example, my title The Life Champion In You comes in ebook, printed softcover, downloadable audio and audio CD formats. These are the same formats I used for my title How To Get A Dream Job In Pharmaceutical Sales. In terms of overall sales, the softcover printed book version of The Life Champion In You is the top seller over the years but most of these were sold at my live speaking engagements.
In terms of online sales, my top title is my dog training title Potty Train Your Puppy With A Litter Box and for this title, I did not even bother with a physical book as it’s offered only in ebook, downloadable video and a physical DVD for those folks who still wanted a physical product.
As I reviewed sales of my online dog training program, I can reveal that the vast majority of customers ordered the two digital downloadable formats with less than a handful ordering the physical DVD. Of those who ordered the digital downloads, about 50% ordered the ebook while 50% wanted the videos and were more than willing to download the video files and play them on their computers rather than wait for a DVD to arrive in the mail.
With this continuing trend, I might even discontinue some of the physical formats at some point in the future if everyone is happy with just the digital downloadable product formats across all the different topic areas I cover. My newer titles including Effective Communication Skills For Super Leadership and Effective Self Defense With Karate World Champion Clint Cora are purely video programs and while my self defense program does come in both digital downloadable and physical DVD versions, the communication skills program so far comes in only a downloadable format.
Promote Digital Downloads
So to help promote this trend towards digital downloads, I’ve adjusted pricing on all my educational training products especially with the digital downloadable formats. Have a look at all my available products as both pricing, bonuses offered as well as formats have been adjusted. For example, the ebook version of The Life Champion In You is now available at only $7 and a new additional bonus ebook that comes along with it has been added!