Motivational Speaker With New Car A few weeks ago, I wrote about how minimalism doesn't jive with my personal development when it comes to cars. Specifically, I was talking about how I like to splurge a little to drive nice sports cars. Although I do ...
W8BEN Form For Canadians And Foreigners Who Work In The US
photo credit: Arthur40A W8BEN Form For Canadians And Foreigners Every now and then, I have a paid speaking engagement in the US when an organization or company contracts me to do either my motivational speech or diversity training presentation - see ...
Karate World Champion Now Available As Your Personal Development Coach
Personal Development Coach Last week, I announced the launch of The Life Champion In You Action Plan Creator, which is an online personal development guidance program. This is like a personal development course with online guidance from yours truly to ...
Personal Development Guidance From Anywhere In The World
photo credit: Kevin M. Gill Personal Development Guidance From ANYWHERE in the world? Is this even possible? Although I mentioned about the important of getting guidance for personal development or anything else in life that you want to improve in ...
Change School Study Habits After Mid Year Break
photo credit: rognonton School Study Habits Now that both college students and high school students are getting their mid years over, many might want to change their current school study habits if their grades have not been as decent as hoped for. I ...
Motivational Inspirational Quotes Week 2 December
Motivational Inspirational Quotes Here are the motivational inspirational quotes I posted at my Motivation Facebook page during the last week. "If you fail, learn, and move on, you're growing." ~ Robert Kiyosaki "One machine can do the work of fi ...
Guidance For Different Forms Of Personal Development Training
photo credit: paolovalde Forms Of Personal Development Training I hope you enjoyed my personal stories I shared with you which involved GUIDANCE over the last two previous blog posts. It was guidance that helped me become more successful in various a ...
Where Minimalism Doesn’t Jive With Personal Improvement
photo credit: rogue480 Minimalism And Personal Improvement There's a movement out there called minimalism where advocates are suggesting that we simplify our lives in a way so that our lifestyles are much less complicated, stressful and expensive. T ...
Short Motivational Quotes About Life
Short Motivational Quotes About Life Here are some short motivational quotes about life I posted at my Motivation Facebook page. "Let the beauty of what you love be what you do." ~ Rumi "The most powerful predictable people builders are praise an ...
Ontario Motivational Speaker Stresses Importance Of Guidance
Ontario Motivational Speaker On Guidance Yes, I was SCARED! This Ontario motivational speaker is going to share with you a story from his childhood. This was many years ago during a grade seven school day trip to try snow skiing and it was my very firs ...