I will be the guest speaker at a Rotary club tonight. It will be the one up at Newmarket. This is a good opportunity to people to get an idea of what I'm like as a speaker as I will do a shortened version of my keynote. If any of you are members of com ...
Professional Public Speaker Testimonials
The list of professional public speaker testimonials keeps growing as more and more people are exposed to Clint Cora's motivational keynote speeches. Take a look at the most recent additions through the link just mentioned.
Group Activities Fun During Public Speaking
Martial arts world champion Clint Cora adds a lot of fun to his public speaking by getting the general audience to participate in group activities. There's a new photo of such a group activity and as one can see, the folks in the audience are having a gr ...
Updated Public Speaker Video and New Photos
One of the things that's neat about new technology is that one can make changes in business materials very quickly. For example, I have a public speaker video clip that has both footage of myself during speeches as well as a few minutes at the end addres ...
Life Champion Achieving Goals Presentation In Toronto
I will be presenting my Life Champion in You keynote which is about achieving goals and overcoming challenges again in January. This time, it will be downtown on January 11. Here are some details. Where: When: 2nd Floor Party Room Sunday ...
Pharmaceutical Sales Christmas Gift
In addition to his upcoming book "The Life Champion In You", Clint Cora has another book and CD program out for those who want to become pharmaceutical sales representatives. If you know of anybody who wants to become a pharmaceutical sales representativ ...
Polar Bears Calendars for 2009
The polar bears are the greatest symbol of Canada and personally, I find them very motivating. They are just majestic creatures and of course, the cubs are so darn cute. If you like polar bears, the kings of the Arctic, then you will love these new 2009 ...
Motivational Posters Inspirational Poster Prints
A new page with motivational posters and inspirational poster prints has been added to the Clint Cora website. This is a view of posters including those you see from Successories at one of our partners. I love these motivational posters as I have severa ...
Alex Mandossian Was Inspirational
Alex Mandossian was one of the speakers at a professional speaking bootcamp I attended over the weekend. He was saying how his annual income was about $64 K years ago, then turned it into a monthly income, then a weekly income, then a daily income and fi ...
Was Part Of Personal Development Night
I was the keynote speaker at a Personal Development night last evening. This event featured four different speakers besides myself and it was a great time for all. It was good to hear other speakers since it motivates me and I always feel fortunate to b ...