Here's my short video comment on whether we should embrace diversity. Although most people will say that we should, we wonder if we really are. Is diversity a positive or just a negative to be tolerated?
Financial Services Pro Reviews Motivational Speaker
Here's how a financial services professional reviewed one of my recent motivational speeches; "I wanted to thank you again for your excellent presentation Monday evening. You did an outstanding job on getting our attention and holding it for the en ...
Interesting Breakfast Crowd For Inspirational Speech
As I expected, we had a very interesting morning breakfast crowd for my inspirational speech today. The morning talks I've done so far were usually quite good audiences but this one was better than I had even anticipated. Lots of energy in the room at 7 ...
Early Morning Motivational Talks
I have another very early morning motivational talk to do tomorrow at 7:30 am. These are always hard to get up for but once I'm there, the audiences are surprisingly good (and alert). I suppose there are people out there that just like to do things earl ...
Universities and Colleges Stressing Diversity
As I've been exploring many websites of universities and colleges in the past week, I've noticed that many have been stressing the importance of diversity on campuses. Some of even set up a special office to make students and staff more aware of diversit ...
New Experience As Motivational Speaker
I had another interesting new experience as a motivational speaker last night. I was the guest speaker at a local community dinner event and in the front row was a seeing-eye dog. This was the first time in my entire speaking career that I have had a do ...
Are We Really Embracing Diversity?
We often hear that we should embrace diversity and most people will agree that this is a good thing. But the question is, are we really embracing diversity? See my latest article which explores this question further via the link.
Motivational Speech At Toastmasters Conference
Today was a very good day as I got to positively impact a full room with my motivational speech at the District 86 Toastmasters conference. Everyone got something out of it. Also had fun meeting the audience members individually afterwards and signing t ...
Canadian Motivational Speaker To Speak At Toastmasters Conference
Canadian motivational speaker Clint Cora will be speaking at the District 86 Toastmasters Spring Conference this weekend. Toastmasters conferences are always a great audience because the attendees are there to improve themselves and learn. Having said t ...
Following My Own Advice On Success Planning
In my book, "The Life Champion In You", as well as during my motivational speeches, I talk about finding the right place to do your success planning and sometimes you have to go to a really quiet place to do this activity without any disturbances. This o ...