Clint Cora Native Aboriginal Inuit Art
Apart from music and martial arts, I’m not an artist but I’ve been a huge fan of native art for years. Specifically, I love Inuit art from the Canadian Arctic as well as aboriginal art from the Pacific Northwest (British Columbia). These styles of native art were the basis of my first online internet business called Free Spirit Gallery which was an online gallery specializing in these art forms.

I travelled to both First Nations reservations in BC and the Canadian Arctic to source original artwork directly from artists to make them available to other native art lovers around the world. Free Spirit Gallery ran successfully for many years but it was a labour intensive business involving not only sourcing original artwork but photographing them, updating the online gallery and securely shipping pieces around the world.

This was my way to help promote the artwork of Inuit and aboriginal artists. My own home is largely decorated with original pieces of native art from my own collection. Even though I have since retired Free Spirit Gallery, I will continue to add to my personal native art collection. Two ebooks I wrote, An Overview Of Canadian Arctic Inuit Art and An Overview Of Pacific Northwest Native Indian Art which were downloadable for free from Free Spirit Gallery will be made available here at this website soon so stay tuned.