The next Motivational Quotes Success Newsletter for December is on schedule and will be sent to everyone who is on my free subscription list right at December 1. So make sure you are on the list by either signing up at my Clint Cora website, my motivatio ...
Motivational Videos A Bit Larger On Website
I made some small changes to my Clint Cora website. I increased the size of the video screens for the main motivational speaker clip found on the home page. I have also added a short video where I talk about my World Champion Personal Growth Guide, Moti ...
Montreal Teacher Talks About Clint Cora Personal Development Workshop
Here is Montreal teacher Hepta Deslandes talking about the personal development workshop conducted by motivational speaker and author Clint Cora. Her brief video is at personal development workshop feedback.
November Dose of Motivation Audio Podcast Is Up!
The November episode of the Dose of Motivation audio podcast is up and running. Each month, I put up a five minute audio to help motivate others for success. This month's episode has a 'water' theme. To listen to this month's episode and previous ones ...
Motivational Speaker Clint Cora In Martial Arts Magazine
Motivational speaker and author Clint Cora was recently featured in a martial arts magazine called Kiai Magazine. See the full article about Clint in this magazine at Kiai magazine feature. The article also discusses a bit of what is in Clint's book, 'T ...
Motivational Diversity Speaker Now On Twitter
Your friendly motivational diversity speaker from Toronto had finally jumped onto the Twitter bandwagon. You can follow me at Clint Cora on Twitter although I probably won't be doing more than two tweets per day as I don't want to overload people with us ...
Motivational Speaker Clint Cora On At 9:45 AM
Canadian motivational speaker and karate world champion Clint Cora will be on at 9:45 am this Saturday at the Chateau Bromont in Quebec. He will be speaking to an audience from all over the eastern Ontario, upstate eastern New York, Vermont and Quebec ar ...
New Motivational Audio Podcast Episode Recorded
This month's motivational audio podcast episode has been recorded and will be available online this weekend. Like the past episodes, it will also be available at the free podcasts section in iTunes. If you haven't heard any of the past episodes, just go ...
Toronto Conference Speakers Worldwide
Conference Speakers Toronto is the biggest conference town in Canada with several very large facilities. Even many international groups and associations have their annual meetings here in Toronto. Many big conferences are starting to be announced for 2 ...
Video Testimonials of Inspirational Speaker Clint Cora Coming
Inspirational Speaker There are lots of video testimonials for inspirational speaker Clint Cora coming very soon. Footage of at least 11 different video testimonials have been shot and edited. It's just a matter of putting them online at the Clint Cora ...