What Is Cultural Diversity Training Did you know that the art hanging in your walls can actually be source of cultural diversity? Diversity is a topic that many businesses and corporations have been very keen on since many staff as well as customer base ...
College RA Group Gets Diversity Training
#college #university #diversity #diversitytraining -- It was interesting to present my college diversity speaking program to the group of RA students at Daemen College just north of Buffalo, New York this week. RA stands for Residence Assistant and t ...
Motivational Videos Teaching Diversity
#diversity #motivational --- Since I'm switching gears this weekend to prepare for my diversity talk at Daemen College in the Buffalo area next Monday, I thought that I would list out (with links of course) all the previous episodes of Clint Cora Motivati ...
Increase Diversity Awareness Through Art
#diversity #diversitytraining #multicultural #cultural #ethnic #art I've been attending various multicultural festivals pretty well each weekend all summer so far. I do this in order to increase my own diversity awareness of other cultures. One of th ...
Muslim Festival Had Diversity Challenges
#diversity #muslim #islamic #mississauga #multicultural I checked out the Muslim festival called Muslimfest right here in my home town of Mississauga this past weekend. It was a nicely organized event with lots of entertainment (free and paid) as well ...
Muslim Festival Is Part Of My Own Multicultural Diversity Training
#diversity #multicultural #muslim #islamic #mississauga Here in my hometown of Mississauga (beside Toronto) is yet another festival this weekend. There has been different festivals every weekend here this summer. For this weekend, it's the MuslimFest ...
Past TV News Segment About Teaching Diversity
#diversity #diversitytraining #hr #humanresources I thought that I had already put the past TV news segment about my visit to the Muslim high school here in Mississauga on a blog post but I couldn't find it. This visit was where I was teaching diversi ...
Do People Really Think Diversity Is Important?
#diversity #multicultural #ethnic --- One of the viewers who saw the current episode of Clint Cora Motivational WebTV showing the highlights of the multicultural festival Carassauga emailed me and asked whether really successful people or even average in ...
Global Diversity At Multicultural Festival Carassauga – Motivational WebTV #11
Global Diversity At Multicultural Festival One of the best ways to increase your exposure to diversity is at festivals and this is an important topic area for success these days. Our communities are getting more diverse each year and it can become real ...
Another Article With Photos From Islamic School Talk
#muslim #islamic #diversity #mississauga Here's another article from the SNAP newspaper in Mississauga about the diversity talk I did at the private Islamic high school last month. There are a few more photos in there. You can see it at Islamic Schoo ...