I've updated my main diversity and motivational speaker video. I changed about 25% of it with new video footage from both corporate and college audiences. It can be viewed at the middle of the homepage of my motivational speaker website but I will also ...
Diversity Is Part Of Personal Development
Since our world is becoming more diverse, one of the ways we can all grow as part of our own personal development is to expose ourselves to more diversity. Get to know people from other cultures, races and countries. When doing so, you will likely be fa ...
Motivation Diversity Success Blog Feed Reconnected To Facebook
My Motivation Diversity Success Blog feed has been reconnected to the Clint Cora Motivation Facebook page. All blog posts will be coming to the Facebook page again. Yippee!
Got Quoted In Diversity Article Of College Magazine
I was quoted in a diversity feature for Fuel Inc magazine which is distributed to college and university students, especially for those graduating and about to enter the workforce. Although it's an article aimed at minority students, I think everyone els ...
Star Trek Great Example Of Social Diversity
Social Diversity In Star Trek I saw the latest Star Trek movie yesterday and much like other types of movie (Star Wars, etc) in this science fiction genre, there is often a mix of different human races as well as aliens working together. This is a gre ...
Diversity In The Workplace Is A Big Issue
Diversity In The Workplace Diversity in the workplace is a big issue in many companies in North America now. There can be diverse work environments both internally and externally for companies. With increased immigration and resulting diverse workforces ...