No Live In-Person Leadership Events Yet
One of the live events I was still hoping to run this past summer was one of my Leadership Success workshop seminars but the covid-19 pandemic situation has not improved enough for restrictions to lift for larger indoor events. I was hoping that maybe even this fall once school year started for students that an event was possible but with the delta variant out there it appears that we’ll have to wait longer.
I’m open to doing virtual online versions of my leadership seminars especially for those folks living around the world who cannot travel to southern Ontario, Canada to attend a live, in-person event but of course with seminar workshops that are attended in-person will always have higher energy levels and quality of social interactions. This doesn’t mean that online events are bad. It just means that given a choice, the in-person type of events will always be more fun.
Quick Mini Survey On Leadership Events
In the meantime while we wait for the pandemic situation to improve, I’ve come up with a quick mini survey with only three questions to gauge the interest level of leadership events. If you are interested in my Leadership Success event, please take a minute to do this mini survey as it will help plan future leadership events I run.