Learn To Play Guitar From Total Beginner Towards A Solid Rhythm Guitar Skills Level With Over 40 Separate Progressive Guitar Lessons On Video
Progressive Learning Towards Playing Solid Rhythm Guitar
Dear Aspiring Guitar Player
So you got a guitar and want to learn how to play it which is awesome! But so far you have no idea how to start playing or even how to properly hold your guitar.
You might not have the money for private lessons with a guitar teacher in person nor the time to commit to them

So you might have tried to learn from some YouTube videos but they are often too fast and hard to follow as it’s difficult to see exactly what the player’s fingers are doing. You might have picked up a few chords from books but don’t really know what to do with them.
So you are back to square one — still don’t really know how to play your guitar yet!
I can help you out. With beginner guitar players like yourself in mind, I’ve produced two separate full series of guitar lessons each containing TWENTY different lessons on video.
I know it’s hard to learn from YouTube videos so I shot my guitar lessons to make it easy for you to learn. I’ve designed all the guitar lessons so that they are progressive as you learn step by step the skills and chords so that they build from one another. This way you won’t skip any important steps to build a solid foundation of guitar playing skills.
Clear Chord Diagrams Plus Close Ups From Different Angles
When I teach you new chords and progressions, I make it easy with chord diagrams plus not only views of my fingers from the front but additional CLOSE UP SHOTS FROM DIFFERENT ANGLES. One angle is from the front while another angle is the same view you get from looking down at your guitar while holding it!

Intensive Chord Combination Progression Exercises
I don’t stop there by just showing you different chords. I also take you through numerous intensive chord combination progression exercises I designed in order to work your CHORD TRANSITIONS so that you are able to play from chord to chord quickly. This is a must if you want to play actual songs.
In these video guitar lessons, you also get to play along with me at the same time when trying out these chord combination progression exercises. This is designed to teach you TIMING which is very important in playing music especially if you want to play songs with singing and perhaps with other singers and instrumentalists. You must get timing down in addition to just knowing chords when playing real music.
Each chord combination progression exercise will feature chord text at the top of the video screen to help you keep track on where you are at any moment.

Be Able To Play Actual Songs!
In each of the Beginner Guitar series and the Solid Rhythm Guitar series, I will teach you to PLAY ACTUAL SONGS! These are real songs that have a verse and chorus as they will have vocals too. But don’t worry – you don’t have to sing as I’ll do the singing for you as you play along with me during these songs.

Here’s an overview of what each of the two full series of guitar lessons cover
Beginner Guitar Series
3 Hours 9 Minutes Of Instruction Over 20 Different Guitar Lessons
- Introduction of different parts of your guitar and how they work plus discussion on picks and guitar strings so you have a good understanding of your instrument.
- A few different ways to properly tune your guitar so you don’t break your guitar strings before playing.
- Learn all main major and minor open chords with chord diagrams plus close up shots from different angles. Different fingering and string options also included when possible to give you options.
- Drill
numerous intensive chord combination progression
exercises to improve chord transitions so you can play
from chord to chord quickly.
- Play with different timing variations since this is an important element in playing real music.
- In addition to playing solid chords, get an introduction to broken chords as part of the guitar skills you will learn.
- Play an actual real song with verse and chorus plus vocals with just the open chords and skills taught within this Beginner Guitar Series!
- Learn with either an acoustic or electric guitar.
Even at the end of the Beginner Guitar Series, you will be able to play an actual song!
Solid Rhythm Guitar Series
3 Hours 25 Minutes Of Instruction Over 20 Different Guitar Lessons
- Review and test your skills with open chords learned in the Beginner Guitar Series.
- Learn Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth chords on different strings with different combinations.
- Combine Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth chords with open chords in new combination progressions to add variety to your guitar skills.
- Introduction to Seventh chords as interesting alternatives to major and minor chords.
- Add
Barre chords as important tools in your rhythm guitar
playing with intensive chord combination progression
exercises at different points along the guitar neck.
- Combine Barre chords with Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth chords as well as open chords in more exercises to work your versitility with rhythm guitar.
- Add broken chords with solid chords to play interesting chord progression combinations and work your picking hand.
- Get exposed to common pop/rock/blues chord progressions with different variations with both chords and timing.
- Play another actual song with verse, chorus and vocals using a variety of different chord types learned in this Solid Rhythm Guitar series playable with both acoustic and electric guitars.
Learn At Your Own Pace With Separate Guitar Lessons In Different Video Files
Each separate guitar lesson from both of these full series is in a different video file you download into your computer. This allows you to learn at your own pace in the comfort of your own home without having to be connected to the internet.
I offer BOTH of these full series of guitar lessons as a ONE GIANT PACKAGE. But I don’t stop there as I will also include FIVE additional BONUS GUITAR LESSONS if you order this awesome package!
Bonus – Five Additional Guitar Lessons!
If you order this huge package, I will include FIVE additional guitar lessons as a nice bonus. These bonus guitar lessons will cover the use of a capo, additional hand techniques such as percussive strumming, shuffle timing and palm muting plus more different variations with broken and solid chord combos. These five lessons represent an additional 30 minutes of guitar instruction for FREE!

Once you place your order online with our very secure online shopping system via my company Free Spirit Gallery Publishing, you will be directed to the download page where you download all the video files (.mov format). Purchase with total confidence and security by clicking the green order box below. Just so that you know, I do have a refund policy for all my products.
This gigantic package including both the full Beginner Guitar Series and Solid Rhythm Guitar series PLUS the five additional bonus guitar lessons is priced at about the same amount if you were to have a night out to see a movie plus food and drinks.

So it’s more than reasonable considering the high value compared to the hundreds of dollars for numerous private guitar lessons you would otherwise have to take in order to learn everything covered in these 45 guitar lessons.
Full Package Beginner Guitar & Solid Rhythm Guitar + 5 Bonus Lessons = only $37 US
That’s 82 cents per guitar lesson!!

Order Full Package Guitar Lessons On Video