Simple Things In Life Are Best Many people believe that once we are more successful financially and can splurge on expensive things, we will be living better. That is not always the case as sometimes it's the simple things in life which are the best. ...
Hate To Sweat? Get In The Swimming Pool!
Best Fitness Alternative If You Hate Sweating I was watching CBC's The National News the other week and they had a panel of four medical specialists - a cardiologist, a geriatrician, an endocrinologist and a family physician. They were talking about p ...
Lessons Learned From Home Parties
Home Party Lessons I've run three big home parties at my present house over the last few years and they were all pretty successful. Successful meaning nobody got too drunk that they crashed their cars or barfed inside my home, nobody got into any argu ...
Helping College University Students Prepare For Careers
Careers Prep For College University Students I've been away from the college speaking scene for a while due to my focus on real estate investing but since my investment properties have been getting stablized, I am making my time available again for cam ...
Self Defense Seminar Now Available For Colleges University Campuses
College Self Defense Seminar University and college is suppose to be a time and place for higher learning as well as expanding horizons for students. It's also a place where many potential lifelong friendships can be made as college students from all ...
Toronto Mississauga Martial Arts Weapons Private Lessons
Toronto Mississauga Martial Arts Weapons Training There are many martial arts schools and clubs in the Toronto and Mississauga areas. Many different styles of martial arts including karate, tae kwon do, kung fu, judo, jujitsu, muay thai, mixed martial ...
Why I Did Not Catch A Cold Or Flu This Winter – Motivational WebTV #86
No Colds Or Flu This Winter I just finished the coldest ski season I can remember as we had a long, brutally freezing cold winter here in Ontario (and I'm sure in many other regions of North America). With a FULL ski season which means being outside f ...
How I Used Music In Martial Arts
Music In My Martial Arts I remember the first time the martial arts tournament circuit started to allow competitors to use music in forms (martial arts routines) competition. These were usually black belt competitors who performed their martial arts f ...
2015 Motivational Inspirational Success Calendars
Motivational Inspirational Success Calendars Each year, I select the best motivational, inspirational and success themed calendars and the new ones for 2015 have been released. These awesome calendars are made through and they will keep y ...
Chinese Kung Fu Martial Arts Video
Chinese Kung Fu Martial Arts Video In all the years I've been training in martial arts, I've never released a video on my Chinese kung fu martial arts forms. Most of the focus on my publicly released martial arts videos has been on my various karate w ...