I speak a lot about the concept of comfort zone during my motivational speeches and it's going to be a major concept in my upcoming book as well. Here's an article to give you a taste of what I talk about in regards to how to expand your comfort zone for ...
New Year's Resolutions?
Do you have any New Year's resolutions? As you may be aware, many people fail with New Year's resolutions, usually within the first few months of the new year. To help you here's yours, there's an interesting article on how one motivational speaker deal ...
How A Motivational Speaker Deals With New Years Resolutions
As we approach the last quarter of the year, many of us will be making New Year's resolutions. But as you know, many people fail with such New Years resolutions, usually by the first few months of the new year. To see one motivational speaker's method o ...
Will Develop A Youth Motivational Speech
I will develop a version of my motivational speech for the youth group and schools market. This talk will have elements of my usual motivational speech but with sections for school students to inspire them to succeed including staying in school to gradua ...
Motivational Speaker Doesn't Make Wishes
I have posted up the first of my motivational speaker articles on success. This first article has an interesting title which is similar to the title of this blog post at the top. The article explains why as a motivational speaker, I do not make wishes. ...
New Motivational Speaker Video Will Have Both Martial Arts & Speaking Action
Worked on the new motivational speaker yesterday and it is coming along great. It will have both martial arts and speaking action since it will showcase Clint Cora, a professional speaker and martial arts world champion. We want to add a final segment t ...
Martial Arts To Be Added In Motivational Speaker Video
It only makes sense that there will be some martial arts added in for the motivational speaker video clip that is currently produced. It will be accessed through the redeveloped Clint Cora website so viewers can see both martial arts and speaking element ...
Still Making Changes To New Motivational Speaker Site
Many more changes and modifications were done yesterday to even the bare essential webpages of the new Clint Cora motivational speaker website. Different photos were replaced and text was rewritten. We also added a few more pages and will keep doing so ...
Half Of Motivational Book Edited
Much progress has been made this past weekend as half of the motivational book has been edited and I think we did zero in on a title. I took some potential choices of titles to our Toastmasters club this weekend and had member vote on the best ones. The ...
Skeleton Webpages For Clint Cora Website
We will start to put up the skeleton webpages for the Clint Cora website but they will largely be test pages. We will keep modifying them and adding to the site. Not every link will work and not all text would make sense just yet but we want to test the ...