Diversity education will boost your skills for both non-ethnic and ethnic individuals alike if you want to be a leader. Since we live and work in such a diverse world now, learning to function well with different people from different backgrounds is cruc ...
Motivation On Facebook
Okay, I've started to jump on this Facebook wagon now. Don't have much on my profile yet but feel free to check it out especially if you are into motivation, inspiration and leadership topics. Just do a search for Clint Cora at Facebook and my page shou ...
Karate World Champion's New Motivation Book Finally Available
Karate world champion Clint Cora's new motivation book called "The Life Champion In You" is finally available. It is about overcoming challenges and achieving goals in life. And Clint Cora, the author, should know about motivation. He went from being a ...
Workplace Diversity Training Benefits
We all know that North American workplaces have become more diversified over the years. Diversity training has been an interesting topic for companies who want to take advantage of either doing business in diverse markets or have a diversity in their wor ...
Canadian Based Speaker Still Waiting For Book
Canadian based speaker Clint Cora will have to wait maybe another week before he can launch his much anticipated book, 'The Life Champion In You' due to a formatting issue with the printers. His ebook version is actually ready but won't be available unti ...
Technical Delay In Motivational Book
I was informed by my printer today that there was an error in the formatting of my new motivational book. So my computer colleague whom I depend on for his expertise had to figure out what went wrong. We finally sorted things out and resubmitted a new f ...
Toronto Motivational Speaker Hopes To Impact Students
Toronto motivational speaker and karate world champion Clint Cora, hopes to positively impact Toronto area high school students with a specially developed keynote presentation for youth and teens. He will likely start in the region of Peel first since th ...
Now The Wait After Motivational Speeches
Now that the files for the new Life Champion In You book has been submitted to the printer, there's the long (okay, maybe not that long) wait to get the end result. I'm very anxious to see it so I can start offering it to many folks who expresssed intere ...
Waiting for Proof Copy of Motivation Book
Now that the cover and all the formatting had been completed, I'm now waiting to see the first proof copy of my new motivation book, The Life Champion In You. This is always very exciting since it's the final stage of finally bringing another book to rea ...
Cover for Motivation Success Book Done
As you can see on the right hand side where the links are, the front cover for the new motivation success book, The Life Champion In You, has been created. The book is still not ready yet as final steps in preparing for printing are being done right now. ...