Most of our dreams are quickly forgotten by the time we wake up in the morning. But this morning, I had a dream that I actually vividly remembered and it was a pretty good one rather than your standard nightmare. So I thought that I would recapture some of the more entertaining details on print here before they are forgotten, especially if there happens to be any personal development elements there.
The setting for this dream was in a place like Disneyworld or Las Vegas where there is constant entertainment around. I just happened to be on vacation at one of these places.
Positives From The Dating Show
One of the stops I made while at this entertainment complex was some kind of televised dating show. Apparently, I went on separate dates with four different women. All of them were gorgeous (of course!) and had long wavy hair. Three of them were sisters from western Canada while the fourth lady was from Ontario.
I went on TV to describe my dates with these ladies, with all four of them present beside me on the stage. I remember that everything I said about my dates as well as everything each of them said, were nothing but positives. There were NO negative comments from anyone! Heck, try finding that in real life!
Perhaps this is the personal development element from my dream where we should always strive to look for the positives from our experiences and emphasize them rather than zero in on any negatives in our lives.
Then at the end of this dating show, I had to pick one of the ladies to continue dating. I picked the youngest of the three sisters for some reason. Maybe the positives from my date with her just happened to be bigger positives compared to those with the other girls. But despite my choice, the other ladies were not disappointed. They were all happy for us.
Is this yet another personal development tip here? Maybe it’s about having some emotional intelligence control especially on public TV. Emotional intelligence is another area that we can all benefit from if we aim to futher develop it.
Another part of this dream trip to this theme park involved my late grandmother. I remember in real life how she just loved being in photos. So in this dream, her and I were just wandering around this place and we suddenly came upon a group of entertainers dressed up as Roman soldiers.
The next thing I knew is that my grandma jumped in and started to pretend fight one of these Roman soldiers. Of course knowing that she wanted photos, I took out my digital camera and got a few great shots of her just hammering away on this Roman soldier.
She then thanked the soldier for his time and of course the Roman was more than happy to entertain as part of his job.
Okay, I have no fracking idea what this part of my dream was all about. Maybe something else positive again? Having a good time?
But at least it was a bit entertaining (at least to me) and I actually remembered the part enough to put it down here on this blog post, hopefully for your entertainment as well.
Well, that’s about all I remember from this dream. If you have some further ideas on interpretations of my dream or wish to share a recent one of your own dreams, feel free to do so at the comments section below.
Okay, maybe now I have to go find one of those sisters I dated from that TV show!
2 Responses
Sassy Countess
Great story. Another idea is that you should be doing reenactments. ;0)
Great story. Another idea is that you should be doing reenactments. ;0)
Lots of wardrobe requirements!