All Types Of Motivation Available Out There

types of motivation
Creative Commons License photo credit: Theasijtsma

All Types Of Motivation

When I was doing my motivational keynote this week to my audience out of town, I usually talk about one peculiar aspect of motivation in that it can be rather short lived.  As audience members of a talk, seminar or motivational keynote like the one I delivered, the people can go home feeling pretty inspired.  However, this motivation from the talk doesn’t last long.  It’s sort of like a gas tank which needs to be refilled when empty.  Fortunately there are all types of motivation out there that are available for us to get refills.

For me, I utilize several different sources of motivation to keep me inspired on a regular basis.  It’s sort of like taking vitamins daily to help keep me on track.  And just like how I take my vitamins first thing in the morning, what I do on the computer when I turn it on is go to my Twitter feed.  There I would usually find some tasty motivational quotes to give me a quick jolt of inspiration and wisdom to start my day.

I don’t keep that little tidbit of motivation to myself though.  I immediately retweet the quotes I like to the rest of my Twitter followers and then I take the best motivational quote I like out of that bunch and post it on my Motivation Facebook page to share with people there.  I might even do this same exercise again in the late afternoon so that my Facebook people get two juicy motivational quotes in a day.

Other Online Sources Of Motivation

During the morning, I will also use my Google Reader (see my video tutorial on how to use Google Reader) to scan the blogs I follow to see if there’s anything motivational among new posts and there usually are.  I might visit a few forums I visit regularly too to not only get motivated but also to help motivate others.

Other Types Of Motivation Available

For the rest of the day, I might catch a video or TV program that has motivational content or read part of a book that is motivational.  On certain days, I might attend live events like a seminar or a conference which will also have presentations that will be a source of motivation for me.

I may get together or communicate via other means with other people to work on projects which will in turn motivate me.  Being around like minded people has proven to be one of the best ways to keep motivated towards success.

The key is to use different available sources out there since many types of motivation are available if we look for them.  Being exposed to motivation on a regular basis is not only a good thing but is absolutely necessary in order to achieve long term success.  One of the reasons why people fail to achieve success is because they fail to keep motivated on a regular basis.  We have to recognize that motivation is something that we need all the time and fortunately, many types of motivation from different sources are out there for us.  We just have to look for them.

To see a video version (episode of Motivational WebTV) where I explain this in more detail, see Sources of Life Motivation.  It was actually the very first episode of Motivational WebTV that I ever shot since I felt it was such an important topic.

If you have some favourite sources or ways to keep motivated yourself, please feel free to share below.


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