Do You Play In Your Self Help Development? – Motivational WebTV #45

Self Help Development

When’s the last time you really played?  Or you might feel that you are too old to play and there’s no time for it anyway as you have your plate full in terms of improving yourself anyway.  Improving yourself is a great thing but it doesn’t have to be a real chore.  Many people are learning self help development to get ahead in life.  However, I see that many folks end up with work, chores and other responsibilities in their lives.  That itself is okay but if one’s entire lifestyle revolves around just work, chores, responsibilities followed by more work, more chores and more responsibilities, then I would suggest there could be some issues down the road.

People who have a lifestyle of all work and no play will likely end up irritable, moody, stressed out and just be perceived as no fun by family members.  I really believe that as adults, many of us have forgotten how to or eliminated play from our lives.  We all use to play as children but somehow when we grew up, that all changed.

Self Help Should Include Play

Everyone’s self help development plan should include play back into our lives.  We should do something on a regular basis that can represent play.  As adults, there are countless possibilities on how we can play.  We can play games like cards, board games or we can play sports like golf, tennis or bowling.  We can play musical instruments or even do something with the kids or dog.

Play is a part of good overall life balance.  If one works hard, that is okay as long as one balances it out by playing hard.  Here is my next episode of Motivational WebTV where I discuss this.  For this episode, we brought the camcorder up to Blue Mountain in Collingwood, Ontario where I usually snow ski and we captured video footage on my final ski day for the season.  It was fortunate that the weather was nice with good snow and perfect conditions for video.  Now I’ll give you a glimpse on how I play as part of my overall self help plan.

Share These Self Help Development Tips With Others

If you know others, especially those who have forgotten how to play and who would like this video, please share it with them so they can benefit from these self help development tips too.  There are buttons on the blog post to easily share it on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and by email.  All past episodes are at my Motivational WebTV Archive.

Feel free to leave your comments at the Facebook or blog comments section too. It would be great if you could also share with us how you play in your life.


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